Nanbu Bijin, Ninohe, Iwate

Nanbu Bijin, a sake brewery in Iwate Prefecture, is a well-established sake manufacturer founded in 1902. The company’s brands include Nanbu Bijin and Basenkyo, created by the Nanbu Touji technique and Iwate’s natural environment. The company also has a strong international reputation, and in 2017 became the first sake company in the world to receive vegan certification.

Available : Tasting, Shop
Founded : 1902
Representative brand : Nanbu Bijin
Tel : 0195-23-3133
Access : 10 min by bus from JR Ninohe Station
Business hours : 8:00~16:00
Online shop (International shipping may not be available.)

Hotels within 3 km (2 miles) from the brewery


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